Many Factories Grow on the Farmland Photo Credit: Jung You Sung Many Factories Grow on the Farmland as for the Cause of Illegal Factories on Farmland, the United States Imposed Export Quota Control on Japan's Metal Processing Industry in 1959. in Response to This Shock, and 65% of Taiwan's Manufacturers Were from Japan at That Time, Japan Regarded Taiwan as an Important Foreign Production Base. Subsequently, in 1972, in Order to Narrow the Gap Between the Rich and the Poor and Promote the Well-Off Plan, the Taiwanese Government Shouted the Slogan "The Living Room Is the Workshop". Coupled with the Oil Crisis, Japan Continued to Outsource Many
Manufacturing Processes to Taiwan to Reduce Costs and Diversify Risks. in 1974, in Response to a Large Number of Orders, the Government Loosened the Law and Handed Over 30 to 50% of the Production Process in the Processing Area to Families, Pig executive list Houses and Even Illegal Factories Outside the Processing Area. Full of Illegal Factories. in 2002, the Ministry of Economic Affairs Formulated the "Factory Management Guidance Law". During the Period, the Opening of Illegal Factories Was Revised in 2010. However, the Results Were Not Satisfactory. Therefore, in 2014 and 2019, the Law Was Revised to Relax the Time Limit and Conditions for the Management. a
Total of Three Amendments to the Law Were Held. Extension. Taking the 2019 Amendment as an Example, for the Existing Low-Pollution Unregistered Factories Before May 19, 2016, They Can Go Through the Three Stages of "Introduction", "Obtaining a Specific Factory Registration Certificate" and "Change of Destination". It Also Excludes the Application of Article 38 of the National Land Planning Act. as for the Illegally Built Factories That Were Newly Built After May
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