And generating sales. You can't afford to ignore it. After collecting your visitors' email, you need to develop a relationship with them. This will allow you to build trust, which in turn will help them do business with you. To do this, you need to create a series of emails that your subscribers will love to read. This is called a tracking sequence. Content what is a tracking sequence? Welcome emails q&a email benefits with proof special invite feeder sequence conclusion what is a tracking sequence? A follow-up sequence is a collection of emails that you create, typically with five to six emails to send to your subscribers from the moment they subscribe to your mailing list. These emails can be sent over a few days or weeks.
A follow-up sequence gives you the opportunity to tell your brand story, build trust, and introduce your products or services to your followers. The company mailing list very first days of your follow-up are crucial because people's attention is higher and they want instant gratification. Thus, they are eager to open your e-mails; click on your link, etc. According to kissmetrics, the first follow-up email gets the highest open rate, often 70% or more . When you miss this opportunity, it can mean losing potential subscribers and customers. The question is: what type of tracking sequence will convert for your business? Below is a simple sequence that converts. Welcome emails welcome emails are the type of emails you receive when you sign up
For a blog post update, newsletter, free downloads, etc. In line. It is an email that shows your gratitude to your subscribers for agreeing to receive your emails. This is an opportunity to get your subscribers looking forward to your next email. Welcome emails can have an open rate of up to 50%, making them more effective than newsletters. Additionally, customers who receive welcome emails are more likely to engage with a brand for the long term than those who don't. That's why you need to create an engaging welcome email that will leave your subscribers begging for more. Below is a sample welcome email from sidecar . Below are the best practices you can follow to create an engaging