User-agent blocks are when a site blocks a specific user-agent like Googlebot or AhrefsBot. In other words, the site is detecting a specific bot and blocking the corresponding user-agent.
If you can view a page fine in your regular browser but get blocked after changing your user-agent, it means that the specific user-agent you entered is blocked.
You can specify a particular user agent using Chrome devtools. Another option is to use a browser extension to change user agents like this one.
Alternatively, you can check for user-agent blocks with a cURL command. Here’s how to do this on Windows:
Press Windows+R to open a “Run” box.
Type “cmd” and then click “OK.”
Enter a cURL command like this:
curl -A “user-agent-name-here” -Lv [URL]curl -A “Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +” -Lv
How to fix
Unfortunately, this is another one where knowing how to fix it will depend on where you find the block. Many different systems may block a bot, including .htaccess, server config, firewalls, CDN, or even something you may not be able to see that your hosting provider controls. Your best bet may be to contact your hosting provider or CDN and ask them where the block is coming from and how you can resolve it.
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For example, here are two different ways to block a user agent in .htaccess that you might need to look for.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Googlebot [NC]RewriteRule .* - [F,L]
BrowserMatchNoCase "Googlebot" bots
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from ALL
Deny from env=bots
Check for IP blocks
If you’ve confirmed you’re not blocked by robots.txt and ruled out user-agent blocks, then it’s likely an IP block.
How to fix
IP blocks are difficult issues to track down. As with user-agent blocks, your best bet may be to contact your hosting provider or CDN and ask them where the block is coming from and how you can resolve it.
Here’s one example of something you may be looking for in .htaccess:
deny from